One Stroke Christmas Cakes

Charity Christmas Cakes – Painted with One stroke technique

Back in November I agreed to decorate 2 cakes for Christmas for a a Devon Hospital Charity. My client Cath’s husband Tom has made 13 cakes and has decorated 11 of them beautifully. Cath and I had spoken about the One stroke wedding cake I painted last year so I agreed to decorate 2 of the cakes for charity.

To begin – the bare cakes

Ready to start. The bare cakes

Ready to start. The bare cakes

I played around a little on card before I committed brush to cake. Using powdered food colouring pigments and alcohol I painted both cakes slightly different to each other. I painted an assortment of Poinsettia, holly, ivy and stylised Christmas trees aided by a glass of wine or two.

2 x One Stroke Christmas Cakes

Work in progress. It’s hard not to rest on the icing and squash it in.

Cake 1 on the turntable - one stroke in progress

Cake 1 on the turntable – one stroke in progress

Cake 2 on the turntable - one stroke in progress

Cake 2 on the turntable – one stroke in progress

These cakes are FULL of fruit. I had them on a small turntable which made painting them much easier. The leaves and petals were painted using the One Stroke method which makes painting quick and easy. Details are added after the main leaves are painted. I used a variety of flat brushes, angled brushes and fine detail brushes and kept to a mainly Red and green palate.


Finished Cakes

Top view of cake


Swirly xmas tree cake

Tom decorated 11 of his cakes but decided he’d like to learn how to paint them with One Stroke so he has had his first lesson. Watch out next year for his decorated cakes!

Top view of swirly one stroke christmas cake

Top view of ribbon one stroke christmas cake

The finished One Stroke Christmas Cakes

The finished cakes.

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